"Create Your Own Chord Melody Arrangements Easily..."
On the guitar, the expression chord melody refers to playing the melody as the highest note of a certain chord shape. Sometimes instead of chord melody, we hear chord solo or even sometimes we'll say just an arrangement of a tune.
➡ What is Chord Melody?
➡ Every chord that you know is a gold mine of chord melody.
➡ Simple chord melody on Summertime (PDF with TABS included).
➡ General issues with chord melody + expand your chordal vocabulary.
➡ How to learn pre-written chord melody arrangements.
“I’m your 'real' teacher: Marc-Andre Seguin, a Canadian thirty-something jazzer, teacher and composer at times.
I created this course with you in mind so you can learn how to play jazz guitar to achieve greater levels of confidence and expression on this wonderful instrument.”
-M-A Seguin, Founder and Teacher